Saturday, February 5, 2011

hey kids can I date?

My soon to be ex-husband left me 8 months ago. Sometimes it has been lonely but mostly I have managed.

So today I sat down with my son and asked him what he thought of me dating again. He looked me in the eyes and said... "NO". Well that shocked me. When I asked him why he said that he said he did not want me to date because he is afraid that the guy will want us to move in with him and my son did not want to move. Even after explaining that we would not be moving even IF I started dating seriously. And the only time we would move is if I married the guy. And I would have to date for years before I married again. EVEN after all of that my son still does not want me to date.

I love my kids so much. They are my world. But sometimes I want more. I want to be loved again. I want to have someone that wakes up and calls me beautiful and means it. I want a guy to look at me and say I Love You just because he wanted to say it. Not because it is habit or he wants sex. But as I looked at my son and saw his face when he said "NO" I knew that it will be a long time before I enter the dating scene. Which means it is going to be a really long time before I find my Mr. Right.

So to all the couples out there that are reading this *raises my wine glass* here is a wish to you for all the happiness. And to all the single people out there *raising my wine glass* I hope you find your happiness. Everyone deserves to wake up with a "I love you".


  1. If I may...You need to take care of yourself. If you want to date, I think you should date. Just realize that there will be rebounds and confused emotions and setbacks. I've been single for 3 years. It isn't easy. As far as the kids go, you're the mom. Don't ask their permission! That's the cool thing about being a grown-up that I forget sometimes. We can make our own decisions. Hope I didn't overstep my bounds...

    My best,

  2. Oh you did not over step at all! Once you read more about me you will realize I do NOT even have time to date. haha. The kid's father lives 7 hours away and the inlaws rarley take the kids over night and my family lives 2 hours away. So I am rarely without my kids at night and on the weekends.

    Plus I work a full time job and a part time job. And I also getting ready to start ANOTHER part time job.

    And my kids are not old enough to stay at home by themselves if I go out. They are 12, 11, and 10.

    But we keep busy during the year. Two of them play baseball. And all of them play soccer. And we love live theater so we see ALOT of the Muny plays and I try to have them in atleast one play a year.

    It is just when they go to sleep and the house is quiet, that is when I really get lonely. And you can give me advise anytime you want :)

    Shawnda Rae

  3. It sounds like you're in a tough spot to be able to date but when the time is right, the right person will enter your life.

    I have my son full-time too so I can sympathize for sure. I'm very lucky however because my mother and a lot of other family is nearby so I do get out once or twice a month.

    Blogging, Facebooking and Twittering helps with the loneliness for sure. It's nice to connect with people.

    Keep your chin up!

  4. Hey Brett! Sorry it has taken so long to respond back... (I did not realize you commented back until just now).

    A little back ground: I am going through a divorce. We were married for 12 years then he decieded we (he mainly) was misrable and wanted out. We were a couple since I was 17. So right now even if the right guy came along I probably would think of him only as a friend and try to set him up on dates with other women... haha.

    I do facebook and twitter alot and yes that does help :) Plus I have an amazing group of friends that I can call when I get too depressed.

    And if you are bored and need someone to chat with look me up..... us single parents have to stick together haha :)
