Sunday, February 27, 2011

Susie Homemaker

I was on the phone today with a friend while I was at the grocery store and I was talking about what we were going to have for dinner tonight. Which by the way is frozen chicken nuggets and french fries. Then we got to talking about how I have invited him over for dinner but never showed so I stopped inviting. He got really serious and said "I know. I know. And I know that I have an open invite to your house at anytime I just have to show up." And I told him that was right it might only being frozen dinners that night but he can always show up when he wanted to.

When I got home and was unpacking the food I looked around the house. The first thought that came into my mind was "okay the house is clean. If he just showed up tonight it is okay. But there is NO telling what tomorrow night will look like." I tried to have the spotless house ..... That lasted for a whole 5 minutes. With 3 kids and me working two jobs there is no way the house is EVER going to be spotless (unless I have a live in maid).

I know I am not Susie homemaker either. Our dinners are usually either frozen or come from a box. Now do not get me wrong I LOVE to cook! It is just we do not have the time for me to make a 3 course meal every night. And with 3 kids it is hard to find something that everyone is going to like. So we usually need up eating the same thing over and over again.

But what I do know is that my kids are healthy and happy. Oh and if anyone is reading this and IS a Susie homemaker can you please tell me how you do it???? Or if someone wants to come over and clean my house and make us dinner everyone night for free go ahead email me :)

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